Leading Researcher
glazovsky [at] igras.ru
Glaciology Department
Membership etc.
Member of the editorial board of the journals: “Ice and Snow”, and “Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series.”
Member of scientific societies: “International Association of Cryospheric Sciences”, “International Glaciological Society”, and “Russian Geographic Society” (RGS)
Research interests
Glaciation of the Arctic, formation of icebergs, change of the glacial area and volume, internal structure of glaciers, remote sensing methods
Study areas
Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zenlya, Severnaya Zemlya
Selected Publications
- Khromova T.E., Nosenko G.A., Glazovsky A.F., Muravyev A.Y., Nikitin S.A., and Lavrentiev I.I. New Inventory of Russian glaciers based on satellite data (2016-2019). Ice and Snow. 2021; 61(3): 341-358. doi:10.31857/S2076673421030093 [in Russian]
- Macheret Yu.Y., Glazovsky A.F., Vasilenko E.V., Lavrentiev I.I., and Matskovsky V.V. Comparison of the hydrothermal structure of two glaciers in Spitsbergen and Tien Shan based on radio-echo sounding data. Ice and Snow. 2021; 61(2): 165-178. doi:10.31857/S2076673421020079 [in Russian]
- Borisik A.L., Novikov A.L., Glazovsky A.F., Lavrentiev I.I., and Verkulich S.R. Structure and dynamics of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen, according to repeated GPR surveys in 1999, 2018 and 2019. Ice and Snow. 2021; 61(1): 26-37. doi:10.31857/S2076673421010069 [in Russian]
- Sommer C., Seehaus T., Glazovsky A., and Braun M. H. Brief communication: Accelerated glacier mass loss in the Russian Arctic (2010-2017). The Cryosphere Discuss. 2020; doi:10.5194/tc-2020-358
- Singh G., Lavrentiev I. I., Glazovsky A. F., Patil A., Mohanty S., Khromova T.E., Nosenko G., Sosnovskiy A., and Arigony-Neto J. Retrieval of spatial and temporal variability in snowpack depth over glaciers in Svalbard using GPR and spaceborne POLSAR measurements. Water. 2020; 1:21. doi:10.3390/w12010021
- Navarro F.J., Sánchez-Gámez R., Glazovsky A.F., and Recio-Blitz C. Surface-elevation changes and mass balance of the Academy of Science ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya. Ice and Snow. 2020; 60(1): 29-41. doi:10.31857/S2076673420010021
- Buzin I.V., Glazovsky A.F., May R.I., Mironov E.U., Nesterov A.V., Naumov A.K., and Gudoshnikov Yu.P. Study of dynamics and morphometry of glaciers and icebergs and application of the obtained results in development of hydrocarbon deposits on the Russian Arctic continental shelf. Bulletin of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 2020; (3-4): 21-37. [in Russian]
- Macheret Y., Glazovsky A., and Lavrentiev I. Distribution of cold and temperate ice and water in glaciers at Nordenskiöld Land, Svalbard, according to data on ground-based radio-echo sounding. Bulletin of Geography - Physical Geography Series. 2019; 17(1): 77-90. doi:10.2478/bgeo-2019-0016
- Nela B., Bandyopadhya D., Singh G., Glazovsky A.F., Lavrentiev I. I., Khromova T.E., and Arigony-Net, J. Glacier flow dynamics of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago in the Russian High Arctic using the differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) technique. Water. 2019; 11(12): 2466. doi: 10.3390/w11122466.
- Sánchez-Gámez P., Navarro F.J., Benham T.J., Glazovsky A.F., Bassford R.P., and Dowdeswell J.A. Intra- and inter-annual variability in dynamic discharge from the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic, and its role in modulating mass balance. Journal of Glaciology. 2019; 65(253): 780-797. doi: 10.1017/jog.2019.58
- Kislov A.V. and Glazovsky A.F. Simulation of the dynamics of the Hansbreen tidal glacier (Svalbard) based on the stochastic model. Ice and Snow. 2019; 59(4): 452-459. doi:10.15356/2076-6734-2019-4-441 [in Russian]
- Lavrentiev I.I., Glazovsky A.F., Macheret Yu.Y., Matskovsky V. V., Muravyev A. Y. Reserve of ice in glaciers on the Nordenskiöld Land, Spitsbergen, and their changes over the last decades. Ice and Snow. 2019; 59(1): 23-38. doi:10.15356/2076-6734-2019-1-23-38 [in Russian]
- Willis M. J., Zheng W., Durkin W. J., Pritchard M. E., Ramage J. M., Dowdeswell J. A., Benham T. J., Bassford R. P., Stearns L. A., Glazovsky A. F., Macheret Y. Y., and Porter C. C. Massive destabilization of an Arctic ice cap. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters. 2019; 502: 146-155. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.08.049
- Sochnev O.Y., Kornishin K.A., Tarasov P.A., Salman A.L., Glazovsky A.F., Lavrentyev I.I., Efimov Y.O., Mamedov T.E. Studies of glaciers in the Russian Arctic for safe marine operations in iceberg waters. Oil Industry. 2018; 10: 92-97. doi: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-10-92-97 [in Russian]
- Bushueva I.S., Glazovsky A.F., Nosenko G.A. Surge development in the western sector of the Vavilov Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, 1963–2017. Ice and Snow. 2018; 58(3): 293-306. doi:10.15356/2076-6734-2018-3-293-306 [in Russian]
- Lavrentiev I.I., Kutuzov S.S., Glazovsky A.F., Macheret Yu.Ya., Osokin N.I., Sosnovsky A.V., Chernov R.A., Chernyakov G.A. Snow thickness on Austre Grønfjordbreen, Svalbard, from radar measurements and standard snow surveys. Ice and Snow. 2018; 58(1): 5-20. doi: 10.15356/2076-6734-2018-1-5-20 [in Russian]
- Kotlyakov V.M., Glazovsky A.F., Moskalevsky M.Y. Dynamics of the ice mass in Antarctica in the time of warming. Ice and Snow. 2017; 57(2): 149-169. doi: 10.15356/2076-6734-2017-2-149-169 [in Russian]
- Kotlyakov, V.M.; Macheret, Y.Y.; Sosnovsky, A.V.; Glazovsky, A.F. Speed of radio wave propagation in dry and wet snow. Ice and Snow. 2017; 57(1): 45-56. 10.15356/2076-6734-2017-1-45-56 [in Russian]
- Sosnovsky A.V., Macheret Y.Y., Glazovsky A.F., Lavrentiev I.I. Hydrothermal structure of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen by measurements and numerical modeling. Ice and Snow. 2016; 56(2): 149-160. doi:0.15356/2076-6734-2016-2-149-160 [in Russian]
- Nosenko G.A., Lavrentiev I.I., Glazovsky A.F., Kasatkin N.E., Kokarev A.L. The polythermal structure of Central Tuyuksu glacier. Earth Cryosphere, 20(4), 105-115, 2016. doi: 10.21782/KZ1560-7496-2016-4(105-115) [in Russian]
- Sosnovsky A.V., Macheret Y.Y., Glazovsky A.F., Lavrentiev I.I. Influence of snow cover on the thermal regime of a polythermal glacier in Western Spitsbergen. Ice and Snow. 2015; 55(3): 27-37. doi: 10.15356/2076-6734-2015-3-27-37 [in Russian]
- Glazovsky A.F., Epifanov V.P., Lavrentiev I.I., Macheret Yu.Y. Geophysical methods for studying processes in glaciers. In book: The role of geography in the study and prevention of natural-anthropogenic natural phenomena on the territory of the CIS and Georgia. Media Press Moscow, 2015; 128-144. [in Russian]
- Kotlyakov V.M., Velichko A.A., Glazovsky A.F., Tumskoy V.E The past and present-day Arctic cryosphere. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015; 83(5), 251-259. doi:2010.1134/S1019331615030132
- Ermolin E., Silva B.A., and Glazovskiy A. Ambientes Glaciares y Periglaciares: Formación y Desarrollo. Green Cross Argentina Buenos Aires, 2015.
- Glazovskiy A.F., Macheret Yu.Y. Water in glaciers. Methods and results of geophysical and remote sensing studies. Moscow, GEOS, 2014, 528 p.
- Dowdeswell, J. A., Dowdeswell, E. K., Williams, M. and Glazovsky, A. F. 2010. The glaciology of the Russian High Arctic from Landsat imagery. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, v. 1386-F, p. 94-125.
- Glazovsky A. F., Macheret Yu. Ya. 2009. A current state of a freezing in the Arctic glaciation, instability of glaciers and icebergs calving . In: Environment and climate change: natural disasters. Vol. 8. Natural processes in polar regions of the Earth / Ed. V.M.Kotlyakov. Moscow, p. 107-117. [in Russian]
- Buzin, I. V., A.F.Glazovsky, Yu.P.Gudoshnikov, A.I.Danilov, N.E.Dmitriev, Zubakin, N. V. Kubyshkin, A.K.Naumov, A.V.Nesterov, A.A.Skutin, E.A.Skutina, S.I. Shibakin. 2008. Icebergs and glaciers of the Barents Sea: research of the last years. Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 66-89. [in Russian]
- Glowacki P., Vasilenko E.V., Glazovsky A.F., Macheret Yu.Ya., Navarro F., Moore D. K., Hagen J. O. 2008. Composition and hydrothermal structure of the Amundsenisen from radio sounding. Data of Glaciological Studies, no. 105, p. 97-104.
- Meier M.F., M. B. Dyurgerov, U. K. Rick, S. O'Neel, W. T. Pfeffer, R. S. Anderson, S. P. Anderson, A. F. Glazovsky.2007. Glaciers Dominate Eustatic Sea-Level Rise in the 21st Century. - Science: vol. 317. no. 5841, p. 1064 – 1067.
- Glazovsky A.F., Macheret Yu.Ya. 2007. Hydrothermal state and regime of glaciers. - Chapter 6 in book: Glaciation of Northern Eurasia in the recent past and the nearest future / Ed. V. M. Kotlyakov. Moscow, Nauka, p. 57-108 [in Russian]
- Glazovsky A.F., Macheret Yu.Ya. 2006. Section 3.1. Eurasian Arctic. In Сhapter 3. Climatically induced fluctuations of glaciers in the second half of the XX century. - In book: Glaciation of Northern and Central Eurasia in present period. / Ed. V. M. Kotlyakov., Moscow, Nauka, p. 97-114. [in Russian]
- Jania J., Yu. Macheret, F. Navarro, A. Glazovsky, E. Vasilenko, J. Lapazaran, P. Glowacki, K. Migala, A. Balut and B.A. Piwowar. Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen. – Annals of Glaciology, vol. 42, N 1, 2005 , p. 125-134.
- Glazovsky, A. F. Glacier Dynamics. In: Bobylev, L.P., K.Ya. Kondratyev and O.M. Johannessen, eds. Arctic Environmental Variability in the Context of Global Change. Springrer, 2003, p. 251-270.
- Macheret Yu.Ya., Glazovsky A.F. 2000. Estimation of absolute water content in Spitsbergen glaciers from radar sounding data. Polar Research, vol. 19, no 2, p. 205-216.