Research interests
Industrial geography, historical geography of world economy, problems of
global integration, history of globalization
Selected Publications
Sintserov, L.2011. The first wave of humanitarian globalization. Problemy regionalnoy ecologiy. N 3. P. 6–12.
Sintserov, L. 2011. A century-old trend of intercontinental migration. Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiseta. Serya: Novye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. N 4. P. 82–85.
Sintserov, L. 2011. The traffic and communication paradigm of world development. Mirovaya economika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. N 5. P.122–128.
Sintserov, L. 2011. World trade in the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries. Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiseta. Serya: Novye gumanitarnye issledovaniya. N 1. P. 205–207.
Sintserov, L. 2010. Revolutionary changes in the field of communication and formation of world economic system on the threshold of the 20th century. Geografiya mirovogo razvitiya. N 2. Moscow. P. 126–142.
Sintserov, L. 2009. The rise and fall of European emigration. Geografiya mirovogo razvitiya. N 1. Moscow. P.233–253.
Sintserov, L., Trofimoff, D. 2008. Shift of the world automotive industry to the developing countries. Izvestiya RAN. Seriya geograficheskaya. N 2. P. 43–50.
Sintserov, L. 2005. The era of early globalization in the history of world economy. Vestnik istoricheskoy geografii. N 3. Moscow. P.58–79.
Sintserov, L. 2005. Problems of global integration. Izvestiya RAN. Seriya geograficheskaya. N 4. P.5–12.
Sintserov, L. 2004. The first global information network. Izvestiya RAN. Seriya geograficheskaya. N 3. P. 71–75.