Kaganskiy Vladimir

Senior researcher
+7 905 548-36-19
v.l.kaganskiy [at] igras.ru
Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management Problems

Research interests

Theoretical geography, classification theory (classiology), landscape and culture of northern Eurasia; soviet space and destruction of the USSR

Study areas

North And Center Of European Russia, South Siberia, Far East; Poland

Selected publications


  1. Kagansky V.L. Essay on the phenomenology of the cultural landscape // Proceedings of works by participants in the conference "Psychotherapeutic travel: theory and practice" and "Animated landscape: human development and territory». - SPb.: Aleteya, 2021, p. 26-51.
  2. Kagansky V.L. Boris Rodoman's polarized biosphere: 51+ aspect 51 years later // Proceedings of the Conference "The concept of a polarized biosphere: scientific origins, interdisciplinary context and implications for socio-economic geography" (Yaroslavl, 2021)
  3. Kagansky V.L. Forgotten hearts of Russia (azonal areas in the historical and cultural landscape of European Russia) // Historical Geography. Volume 5. - M.: Aquilon, 2021.


  1. Kagansky V.L. Russian Baikal as a global cultural problem // Izv. RAS, ser. geographer. 2020, no. 2.  - P. 301–309. DOI: 10.31857/S2587556620020065
  2. Kagansky V.L. Dialogue - landscape - borders // Proceedings of Vseros. scientific-practical conference "Ours and others: the experience of cultural interaction" (Stroganov readings - XVI), Usolye, 2020. – P. 116-120.
  3. Kagansky V.L. The Nobel Prize as an Event of Landscape Semiotics // “Pasternak: Problems of Biography and Creativity. To the 60th anniversary of the Nobel Prize". -M.: Azbukovnik, 2020. - P. 50-69.
  4. Kagansky V.L. Coronavirus pandemic: testing the anthroposphere // Socio-economic. geography. Bulletin of the Association of Russian Geographers and Social Scientists. Publishing house of the North Caucasian scientific research. Institute of Economics and social problems of the South Feder. Un-ta (Rostov-on-Don), 2020. - No. 1 (9). - P 138-140.


  1. Kagansky V.L. Travel of the theoretician // Geography and tourism. – 2018. - No 1. - P. 33-44.
  2. Kagansky V.L. RUSSIA ET POLONIA 
  3. Kagansky V.L. Crown of the Earth


  1. Drozdov A.V., Kagansky V.L., Kolbovsky E.Yu., Treivish A.I., Shuper V.A. Leading motives of geographical researches: what they are and do we need them? // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Geograficheskaya. – 2017. - no. 3. - P. 118-128. DOI: 10.7868/S0373244417030100
  2. Kagansky V.L. Tape forests of the flat Altai through the eyes of a traveling theoretical geographer // News of the Altai Branch of the Russian Geographical Society. – 2017. - No. 2 (45). - P. 130-142.
  3. Kagansky V.L. The Inner Urals through the eyes of a traveling theoretical geographer // Proceedings of «Geography and tourism», -Perm, 2017. - No. 16. - P. 23-40.
  4. Kagansky V.L. Baikal is a powerful moral and intellectual challenge // Knowledge is power. - 2017. No. 6. - P. 40 - 48.
  5. Kagansky V.L. Humboldt - Ritter - Semyonovs: Russian theoretical geography of landscape // VI Semenov readings: the legacy of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskiy and modern science: materials of the International. scientific conference dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the birth of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (May 19-20, 2017, Lipetsk). -Lipetsk: Leningrad State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskiy, 2017. - P. 24-27.


  1. Foreword // Atlas "Russian Arctic. Space, time, resources". Moscow: Research and Development Foundation LLC "Feoria". - Moscow, 2019.