Born 6 November, 1931 in Moscow Region (city of Lobnya). Graduated from the Moscow State University in 1954. Professor of Geography (1971). Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991).
Vladimir M. Kotlyakov is world-leading specialist in the field of geography and glaciology. Among his main achievements are the following: substantiation of the laws of Antarctic Ice Sheet existence and ice cover in general (1961), the determination of the ice cover of the Earth and its changes in space and time (1968), the formation of the content of space glaciology (1973), the application of isotope and geochemical methods to the study of ice and its evolution (1982), the interpretation of the ice core studies from the deep drilling at the Vostok station in Antarctica and on this basis the study of the Earth climate for four glacial-interglacial cycles (1980s), the substantiation of global and regional problems of interaction between society and environment in conditions of changing climate (1990s), the analyzing and development of geographic terminology (2000s).
V.M. Kotlyakov developed the conception of systematic glaciological mapping, realized in the World Atlas of Snow and Ice Resources (1976-97 – the editor-in-chief), he suggested the approaches to the study of nival-glacial hazards and principles of glacial forecast (1980-s).
In 1983-87 V.M. Kotlyakov was elected the vice-president of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, and in 1987-91 – the President of the International Commission of Snow and Ice, in 1987-93 he was the member of the Special, and later Scientific Committee of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, in 1990-94 – the member of the Steering Committee of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme, in 1988-96 – the vice-president of the International Geographical Union. In 1990s he has been a member of the Earth Council leaded by Maurice Strong.
V.M. Kotlyakov is elected a member of the Academia Europea, an honorary member of the American, Mexican, Italian, Georgian, Ukrainian and Estonian Geographical Societies, foreign member of the French and Georgia Academies of Sciences. In 1989-91 he was elected the People’s Deputy of the USSR and was the vice-chairman of the Parliament Committee on Ecology.
V.M. Kotlyakov is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1991), director of the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1986). He is the Honorary President of the Russian Geographical Society (elected in 2000).
V.M. Kotlyakov is a laureate of the State Prize of Russia for 2001, Russian Independent Prize “Triumph” (2004), receipt of Great Gold Medal and Konstantin' medal of the Russian Geographical Society (2004) and other medals of RGO: Litke Gold Medal (1985) and Przhevalsky Gold Medal (1996), as well as L.S. Berg Gold Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences (2005), and prizes of Russian Academy of Sciences by names A.A. Grigoriev (2009) and O.Yu. Schmidt (2013). V.M. Kotlyakov is a laureate of Nobel Peace Prize given in 2007 to the Intergovernmental Group of Experts for Climate Problem.
V.M. Kotlyakov is the author of many scientific articles, more than 100 of them were published in English, French, Spanish, Czech and Polish languages; he is also the author of 33 scientific monographs, the majority of them were written personally.
Books published by V.M. Kotlyakov
- Antarctic Snow Cover and its Role in the Present-day the Glaciations of the Continent, Moscow: USSR Academy of Science, 1961. 246 p.
- Mysterious of Glaciers (The modern face of the Earth, the influence of glaciers on the climate; the terrible natural phenomena serve the man). Moscow: «Znanie», 1965. 62 p.
- Do we leave in the glacial age? Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat, 1966. 235 p.
- The Snow Cover of the Antarctica and Its Role in the Present-day Glaciations of the Continent. Jerusalem, 1966. 256 p. (in English).
- Snow Cover of the Earth and Glaciers. Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat, 1968. 479 p.
- Mountains, Ice and Hypothesis. Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat, 1977. 167 p.
- The Problems of Glaciology in the System of Interaction of the Environment and Society. Moscow: «Znanie», 1980. 48 p.
- En los glaciares del Pamir. Mosku: Mir, 1980. 216 p. (in Spanish).
- Isotope Geochemical Glaciology. Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat, 1982. 288 p. (with co-author).
- Annotated Bibliography of the Soviet Literature on Glaciology for 25 years (1956-1980). Data of Glaciological Studies, Publ. № 48, 1983, 287 p.; Publ. № 49, 1984, 260 p. (with co-author).
- The Dictionary of Glaciology. Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat, 1984. 528 p.
- The Climate of the Earth: Past, Present and Future. Moscow: «Znanie», 1985. 48 p. (with co-authors).
- Snow and Ice in Nature of the Earth. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. 157 p.
- Elsevier’s Dictionary of Glaciology. Elsevier: Amsterdam – Oxford – New-York – Tokyo, 1990. XXVI+336 p. (with co-author).
- Climates of the Past from the Depth of Ages. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. 39 p. (with C. Lorius).
- Environmental Problems of Russia. Moscow, 1993. 348 p. (with co-authors).
- The Glacierization of Pamir-Alay. Moscow: Nauka, 1993. 256 p. (with co-authors).
- The World of Snow and Ice. Moscow: Nauka, 1994. 286 p.
- Annotated Bibliography of the Soviet Literature on Glaciology for 1981-1990-s. Data of Glaciological studies, Publ. № 78, 1994. 307 p. (with co-authors).
- Environmental Problems: what is on, who is guilty and what to do? Text book. Moscow, 1997. 328 p. (with co-authors).
- Science. Society. Environment. Moscow: Nauka, 1997. 410 p.
- Principles of Isotope Geocryology and Glaciology. Moscow: Moscow University, 2000. 614 p. (with co-author).
- Selected works. V.1. Glaciology of the Antarctica. Moscow: Nauka, 2000. 431 p.
- Selected works. V.2. Snow cover and glacier of the Globe. Moscow: Nauka, 2004. 411 p.
- Selected works. V.3. Geography in the changing World. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 412 p.
- Selected works. V.4. Ice, love and hypothesis. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 367 p.
- Selected works. V.5. In the world of snow and ice. Moscow: Nauka, 2002. 384 p.
- Selected works. V.6. Science is the life. Moscow: Nauka, 2003. 575 p.
- Glaciation of Northern and Central Eurasia in the modern epoch. Moscow: Nauka, 2006. 482 p. (with co-authors).
- Glaciation in North Eurasia in the Recent Past and Immediate Future. Moscow: Nauka, 2007. 366 p. (with co-authors).
- Elsevier’s Dictionary of Geography. Amsterdam, etc.: Elsevier, 2007. 1048+xxiv p. (with A.I. Komarova).
- Geography: Concepts and Terms. Dictionary in five languages: Russian – English – French – Spanish – German. Moscow: Nauka, 2007. 859 p. (with A.I. Komarova).
- Tourism: Nature, Culture, Travel. Dictionary in five languages. Moscow: Russian Geographical Society, 2013. 671 p. (with A.I. Komarova).