Main research directions / areas
Sustainable mountain development (SMD) in USSR/Russia and World (from 1983)
- Environment, resource and socio-ecological mountain systems assessment. Issues of sustainable mountain development Russia.
- Transboundary mountain regions transformation under Global Change impacts on regional and local scales (Altai-Sayan, Caucasus, Central Asia)).
- Socio-ecological monitoring of changes in mountain areas (UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as test/learning territories for SMD)
- New paradigm of SMD based on connectivity conservation & development approach. Vulnerability, resilience and adaptation issues of mountain landscapes and socio-ecological systems on Global Change (Altai-Sayan eco-region). Academic knowledge integration in development practice based on transdisciplinary approach.
- Diversity of mountain environment and mountains cultures / economics – diversity of SMD models.
Expert / consultant for SMD in FAO technical-cooperative projects of Mountain development strategies development in Armenia (2003-2005), Poland (2004-2007, Altai Republic (2008-2009).
Scientific Consultant of UNDP / GEF “Altai-Sayan eco-region conservation” Project
1. Badenkov Yu., Dunets A., Muduev Sh., Muhabbatov Kh. Modernization and development of mountain regions: Soviet and Russian experience. MRD, 2016 (in print).
2. Badenkov Yu.P., Kotlyakov V.M., Chistyakov K.V. Mountains in regional development strategies: In “Mountain Research. Mountain regions of Northern Eurasia. Development in Global Change Conditions”. Problems of Geography / Russian Geographical Society (Vol. 137) / Executive Editors V.M Kotlyakov, Yu. P. Badenkov, R.V. Chistyakov. Moscow : Publishing House, 2014 (вып.137), 2014, pp.13-28 (on Russian)
3. Badenkov Yu.P., Narykov A.N., Shigreva S.V., Yashina T.V. Mountain Biosphere Reserves as pilot territories of sustainable development in Global Change context (Altai case study) In “Mountain Research. Mountain regions of Northern Eurasia. Development in Global Change Conditions”. Problems of Geography / Russian Geographical Society (Vol. 137) / Executive Editors V.M Kotlyakov, Yu. P. Badenkov, R.V. Chistyakov. Moscow: Publishing House, 2014 pp 462 – 494 (on Russian)
4. Badenkov Yu.P., Gracheva R.G., Gunya A.N., Belonovskaya E.A., Merzlyakova I.A., Shmakin A.B. Mountain regions of North Caucasus at the turn of Centuries: Land Use transformations and current development issues. In book: Environment Changes in Russia in XX Century. Eds. V.M Kotlyakov. D.I. Luri. M., MOLNET. 2012, pp. 254-270 (on Russian)
5. Badenkov Yu.P., Vinokurov Yu.I., Rotanova I.N. Altai-Sayan eco-region as single geographical and socio-ecological space of Central Asia in globalization epoch. In “Challeneges of XXI Century: Environment, Society, Space”. Ed. V.M Kotlyakov..KMK, Moscow. 2012. .. pp. 260-279. (on Russian)
6. Badenkov Yu., Yashina T., Worboys G. Altai-Sayan, Eurasia. In Climate and Conservation: landscape and seascape science, planning, and action. Eds. Jodi A.Hilty, Charles C. Chester, and Molly S Cross. Island Press. Washington | Coveto | London. 2012. pp. 187-202.
7. Badenkov Yu. Transboundary Issues in the Altai. Comments on Plets at al (2011): A Line Through the Sacred Lands of the Altai Mountains: Perspectives on the Altai Pipeline Project. 2011. Mountain Reserch and Development. Vol.31 no 4)
8. Badenkov Yu. Altai Mountain Knot: Between conservation and development. In Connectivity Conservation Management. D global Guide (with particular reference to mountain connectivity conservation). Eds. Graeme L Worboys, Wendy L. Francis and Michael Lockwood. Earthscan, London*Washimgton, DC, 2010. pp 246-250.
9. Badenkov Yu., Kotlyakov V.M. Development of Russian Mountain regions” Развитие горных регионов России. Towards 20 years anniversary of Rio-de Janeiro UN Summit and 10 years anniversary of Mountain Summit in Bishkek. In Journal Sustainable development of mountain territories , 2010 №3 (5). pp. 7-14. (on Russian)
10. Badenkov Yu., Puzachenko Yu.G. Mountain Biosphere Reserves as field platform for science. management and practice cooperation for SMD goals.” In book: “ Russian Biosphere reserves in XXI Century. “Investment in sustainable development and biological / cultural diversity conservation in Global Chang context”Hunty Mansiisk. 2007. pp. 94-108.
11. Badenkov Yu., C.Drexler. Global Change Research in Mountain Biosphere Reserves in Russian Federation. In Mountain Research and Development 2006 Vol.26, No 1: 74-77
12. Badenkov Yu. Mountains of the former Soviet Union: value, diversity, uncertainty. In The State of the World’s Mountains. A Global report. Ed. Peter F.Stone, Zed Book Ltd. London and New Jersy. 1992. pp.257-299.
13. Badenkov Yu. Sustainable development of the Mountain Regions of the USSR. The realities, the role of science and Research Priorities. In Mountain research and Development. 1990, 10 (2), pp. 129-139
In book “Where should I go to learn Russia” published by Russian Geographical Society. Ed. V.M Kotlyakov. Publishing House ‘Kodeks”. Moscow , 2015.
Badenkov Yu., Dagestan. The country challenged the sky. pp 179 – 203.
Badenkov Yu., Altai – ancient crown of Asia. pp. 248 – 271.