Research interest
Late Pleistocene paleogeography, reconstruction of Paleolithic environment, lithology, paleopedology. Study areas: central part of East-European plane, river Desna basin
Selected Publications
Voskresenskaja E.V., Ocherednoy A.K. New geoarcheological studies of the Middle Paleolithic site Khotylevo I (The Upper Desna River basin, Russia) // Abstracts of International conference Europian Middle Paleoliphic during MIS 8 – MIS 3 cultures –environment-chronology, Torun, 2012, pp.59-61
Voskresenskaya E.V., Vishniacky L.B., Zuganova, I.S., Novenko E.Yu., Ocherednyi A.K.. 2011. New data on the evolution and age of sediments, enclosing the cultural horizon of the Middle Palaeolithic site Khotylevo I (Desna River basin) // Materiali VII soveschanija po izucheniju chetvertichnogo perioda, Vol. 1 (A – K), Apatiti, Saint-Petersburg, 2010, pp. 116-119, (in Russian);
Gavrilov K.N, Voskresenskaya E.V, New complex of Upper Paleolithic site Khotylevo 2, // Materiali of III (XIX) Vserossiiskogo archeologicheskogo s’ezda, Starya Russa, 2010, pp.40-41 (in Russian);
Novenko E.Yu., Voskresenskaya E.V., Zuganova I.S. Late Pleistocene paleoenvironments in the centre of European Russia (reconstruction by pollen and plant macrofossil data from loess and alluvial sediments) // “Closing the gap – North Carpathian loess traverse in the Eurasian loess belt.” Proceedings of the International Workshop, 6th Loess Seminar in Wrocław (Poland). Institute of geography and Regional development, University of Wroclaw, 2010, P. 15-17
Ocherednoy A.K., Voskresenskaya E.V. 2009. Uslovija zaleganija srednepaleoliticheskih pamjatnikov basseina Verhnei Desni// Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia, №2 (28), 2009, pp. 28-36 (in Russian and in English)
Voskresenskaya E.V., Geological and geomorphological position of the Middle and Late Paleolithic sites in the Desna river basin (case study of the Khotylevo sites) // Materiali VI Vserossiiskogo soveschanija po izucheniju chetvertichnogo perioda, Novosibirsk, 2009, pp. 128-131 (in Russian);
Voskresenskaya E.V., Morozova T.D. 2009. The microstructure of the cultural layer and feature of soil formation in area of Upper Paleolithic site Hotylevo 2.//Works of V International conference «Evolution of a soil cover: history of ideas and methods, holocene evolution, forecasts», Pushchino, 2009, pp.227-228 (in Russian)
Voskresenskaya E.V, Gavrilov K.N. Early Upper Paleolithic in vicinity of Khotylevo villages Desna antiquities (issue V), Bryansk, 2008, pp.40-49 (in Russian)
Voskresenskaya E., Gavrilov K. Late Paleolithic site Khotylevo-2: the structure of culture layer and sedimentation peculiarity/ Proceedings “Eurasian Perspectives on Environmental Archaeology”, Poznan, Poland, 2007, pp. 40-42
Gribchenko Yu.N., Kurenkova E.I., Timireva S.N., Novenko E.Yu., Voskresenskaya E.V Specifics of Upper Paleolithic colonization of the East Europe plains// Routes of evolutionary geography (summary and prospects), Moscow, 2002, pp.280-301(in Russian)