Research interests
Palaeogeography, micromorpholgy, physical-chemical proposes soils.
The study area: the center of the East European Plain, Azov region.
Selected Publications
Velichko A.A., Catto N.R., Kononov Yu.M., Morozova T.D., Novenko E.Yu., Panin P.G., Ryskov Ya.G., Semenov V.V., Timireva S.N., Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S. 2009. Progressively cooler, drier interglacials in southern Russia through the Quaternary: Evidence from the Sea of Azov region. Quaternary International, Volume 198, Issues 1-2. Pp. 204-219.
Ryskov Ya. G., Velichko A. A., Nikolaev V. I., Oleinik S. A., Timireva S. N., Nechaev V. P., Panin P. G., Morozova T. D. 2008. Reconstruction of the paleotemperature and precipitation in the Pleistocene according to the isotope composition of humus and carbonates in loess on the Russian Plain. Eurasian Soil Science. Volume 41, Issue 9. Pp. 937-945.
Panin P. G., Morozov T.D. 2008. Development of a soil cover of the center of the Russian Plain from an average pleistocene to modern an era. In: «Modern condition and anthropogenous transformation of the East of the Russian Plain and the Urals in the Late Cenozoic». Kirov, Page 234-239.
Panin P. G., Morozov T.D. 2008. Tendencies of evolution of soils during the last 350000 years in the central regions of the Russian Plain. The IVth readings devoted to memory of F.N.Milkova: Modern problems of optimization, rational organization and sustainable development of landscapes. Voronezh. Page 63-66.
Chizhikova N.P., Panin P.G. 2008. Thin Dusty fraction of the fossil soil and loess – memory of ancient processes. Bulletin. Soil Institute of V. V. Dokuchayev. Issues. 61. Page 21-34.
Panin P. G. 2007. Features of a structure of interglacial and interstadial soil complexes of the Late and Middle Pleistocene of the Center part of the Russian Plain. Soil science, No. 2. Pp. 115-159.
Chizhikova N.P., Morozova T.D., Panin P.G. 2007. Mineralogical composition of the clay fraction and micromorphology of the Middle and Late Pleistocene loesses and paleosols in the center of the East European Plain. Eurasian Soil Science, Volume 40, Issue 12. Pp. 1343-1354
Velichko A.A., Kononov Yu.M., Morozova T.D., Nechaev V.P., Novenko E.Yu., Panin P.G., Ryskov Ya.G., Semenov V.V., Timireva S.N., Titov V.V. 2006. Recurrence and trend of landscape and climatic changes in a Pleistocene according to study of subaeral series of East Priazovye. Materials of the international symposium «Late Cainozoic geological history of the Northtrn part of the arid zone», Rostov-on-Don. Pp. 37-41
Panin P. G., Morozova T.D., Golyeva A.A. 2006. New micromorphological and microbiomorphic data of Late and Middle Pleistocene of the loessi-cryogenic-soil series of Gololobovo 1-05 (the center of the Russian Plain). Soil as a link of functioning of the natural and anthropogenous-transformation ecosystems. Irkutsk. Page 96-99.
Morozova T.D., Panin P. G. 2006. Interglacial fossil soils of the Late and Middle Pleistocene of the center part of the Russian Plain. Materials of symposium V.V.Dokuchayev's ideas and modern problems of development of the nature and society. Smolensk: Universum. Pp. 75-80.