Research interests
Glaciology, paleoglaciology, dendroclimatology.
Study areas: Kola, Taimyr, Putorana, Yakutia.
Selected Publications
Sarana V.A., Timireva S.N., Kononov Yu.M. 2010. New records on the Novaya River. Priroda. № 11. С. 30-38, № 12, С. 44-53 (in Russian)
Kononov Yu. M., M. Friedrich and T. Boettger. 2009. Regional Summer Temperature Reconstruction in the Khibiny Low Mountains (Kola Peninsula, NW Russia) by Means of Tree-ring Width during the Last Four Centuries. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, Vol. 41, No. 4, 2009, pp. 460–468
Velichko A.A., Klimanov V.A., Kononov Yu.M. 2006. Climate change during last Millennium against the climate variations in Holocene. In: The possibility of prevention of climate changes and its negative consequences. The Problems of Kioto Protocol. The materials of Council-seminar under President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Nauka, P.306-340 (in Russian)
Kononov Yuriy M. and Ananicheva Maria D., 2006: Reconstruction of the glacier mass balance of the Polar Urals in XX century. In: Glaciation in North and Central Eurasia at Present Time. Moscow, Nauka. P. 134-137. (in Russian)
Velichko A.A., Klimanov V.A., Kononov Yu.M. 2006. Present climate change at the background of its natural fluctuation in the past. Sciece and Technology in Russia, No 1-2 (78-79). P. 15-19 (in Russian)
Kononov, Y.M., Ananicheva, M.D. and Willis, I.C. 2005. High-resolution reconstruction of Polar Ural glacier mass balance for the last millennium. Annals of Glaciology 42: 163-170.
Yamada Tomomi, Shuhei Takahashi, Yuriy Kononov M. D. Ananicheva, M. M. Koreisha, Y. D. Muravyev and T. Samborsky. 2002. Reconnaissance on the No.31 Glacier in the Suntar-Khayata Range. Bulletin of Glaciological Research 19, pp. 101-106.
Boettger, T., Kononov, YU., Friedrich, M. 2004. New stable isotope and dendrochronological studies of the 1000 years pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree-ring chronology at the upper timberline in the Khibiny Low Mountains, Kola Peninsula, North-Western Russia. Proceeding of the "TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaelogy, Climatology and Ecology" in Birmensdorf, Switzerland 22.-24. 04. 2004 (Eds Schleser, G., Winiger, M., Bräuning, A., Gärtner, H., Helle, G., Jänsma, E., Nerwitth, B.), Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Vol. 53/3, 104-111.
Kononov Yuriy., Maria Ananicheva and Natalia Davidovich. 2001. Northern Eurasia glaciers response on global climate change. Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Arctic Environment Tokyo 20-26 February 2000, Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special Issue, Vol. 54, pp. 183-191
Kononov Yu.M. 2001. Paleoglaciology reconstruction of the Middle Pleistocene Scandinavian ice sheet based on the calculation methods. Middle Pleistocene glaciations of Eastern Europe. M., GEOS, pp. 129-133 (in Russian)