Research interests
Hydrochemistry. Limnology. The anthropogenic eutrophicaton of lakes and reservoires. Development stages of cooling reservoirs of Nuclear Electric Stations. Migration of matter at watershed-waterbode systems. Water quality of rivers and lakes at humid, arid and mountain areas. Study areas: North-West of the Europe part of the Russia, Russian Plain, Caucasus, Tien Shan, Republik Tyva, Mongolia.
Selected Publications
Shilkrot G.S. 2012. Migration of phosphorus in «the soil – ground water» system at agricultural landscapes of forest zone. - Geochemistry of landscapes a. Geography of soils. (To 100- years of M.A. Glazovsky. Russian scien. conf., Moskow, 4 – 6 april 2012). M. Moscow University. P. 363-365.
Shilkrot G.S. 2010. Variability of the trophic status and chemical features of the Valday lake by active migration of matter in watershed-lake system. – Proceed. Valdaisky national park: Issue to 20- years of Valdaisky national park. Saint-Petersburg. Issue 1, p. 33-38.
Shilkrot G.S., Kuderina T.M. 2010. Geochemical characterization of the Upper and Under Volga waters. – Geoecological contemporancous problems: Rep. 3-rd Intern. Conf., Vladimir, 23-25 september, 2010. (Edit. I.A. Karlovich): Vladimir, Vlad. State human. University, p. 347 – 349.
Shilkrot G.S. 2008. Biogeochemical processes and stream of matters and energy at anthropogenic changed water ecosystems.- Izv. RAS, ser. Geograph., №3, p.35 – 44.
Shilkrot G.S. 2007. Migration of matters at the water geosystems as the formation and management their properties factor. – Theor. and practika of reconstruction of the inside waterbodies. (Intern. conf., Saint-Petersburg, 15-18 oktober, 2007). Saint-Petersburg. «Lema», p. 355 – 366.
Shaporenko S.I., Shilkrot G.S. 2006. Stability and variability of hydrochemical parametres of the Glubokoe lake at forbidden conditiones. –Water resources. Volume 33, № 4, p. 459 – 474.
Shilkrot G.S., Kuderina T.M. 2005. The similarity and diversity of geo- and hydrochemical parametres of little anthropogenic changed lake ecosystems of B. Solovky island and Karelia. – Ecological conditiones of continental waterbodies at north territories. (Intern. conf., Arhangelsk, 21-25 june 2005). Saint-Petersburg. Nauka. VVM. P. 71 – 78.
Shilkrot G.S., Yasinsky S.V. 2005. Development stages of colling reservoirs of Nuclear Electric stations. - Izv. RAS, ser. geograph. № 3, p. 99 – 106.
Shilkrot G.S., Yasinsky S.V. 2005. Processes of self-organization and management at formation of ecosystems and water quality of reservoirs.- Essential problems of rational use of reservoirs. Rybinsk. P. 283 – 293.
Shilkrot G.S. 2001. Eutrophication as speed-up at waterbodies of rotation of organic matter and biogenic elements. – Izv. AS SSSR (RAS), ser. geograph., № 5, p. 51 – 58.