Graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography, subdepartment of geomorphology, in 1986.
In 2006 uphold thesisof PhD in engineering sciences on the subject «Evaluation technique of the railroad natural-technical system in the erosion hazard conditions using aerospace sounding».
In present time holds the positions of Leading Research Scientist in the RAS Institute of Geography (since 2013) and in the RAS Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth(part-timebasis).
«Geomorphology» journal editorial board member.
Associate contractor of the maps of General seismic zonation of Russia charting (OSR-2012, OSR-2016).
Contributor on the works of the estimation of massive buildings seismic hazard: nuclear power plants (Leningradskaya, Kol’skaya, Novovoronezhskaya, Bilibinskaya, Kalininskaya, Balakovskaya, Beloyarskaya and others), pipelines (ESPO pipeline, South Stream pipeline), bridge crossings and airdromes, «Vostochny» cosmodrome, 2014 Sochi Olympic sites; works of the exodynamic hazard estimation for massive engineering structures including railroads and pipelines; works of resource-geomorphologic estimation of developing territories (New Moskow).
Major areas of research nowadays are: exogenous geologic processes hazard estimation, anthropogenic geomorphology and natural-technical systems, morphotectonics and seismic hazard estimation, remote sensing methods appliance in geomorphology and geology.
Author of the 40 articles, monography «Natural-technical system condition: remote analysis and mapping» // LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2011, 140 p.; contributor in the monographs: «Aerospace sounding in the system of ecologic safety of nature and constructions». Moscow: TriadaLtd, 2006, 172 p.; «Anthropogenicgeomorphology» / Ed. E.A.Likhacheva, V.P. Palienko, I.I. Spasskaya. – Moscow: Media-PRESS, 2013, 416 p.; «Strategic resources and conditionsof sustainable development of the Russian Federation and its regions. Brief results of realization of the Fundamental Research Program of RAS Earth Science department №13 in 2012-2014» / Ed. Acad. V.M. Kotlyakov and prof. A.A. Tishkov. Moscow: RAS Institute of Geography, 2014, 166 p.; contributor in the Safety guidelines «Estimation of seismic hazard of deployment sites of nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities based on geodynamic data». RB-019-01.Gosatomnadzor of Russia, 2001.
- Shvarev S.V. Analysis of characteristics of aged catastrophic landslide in the river Pslukh valley (Western Caucasus) applying the laser scanning data // Geomorphology, 2015,№4, pp. 90-98.
- Ovsyuchenko A.N., Shvarev S.V., Larkov A.S., Marakhanov A.V. Traces of strong earthquakes of the Kerch-Taman region according to the geologic data // Problems of engineering seismology, 2015, V. 42, №3, pp. 33-54.
- Lebedeva E.V., Mikhalev D.V., Shvaryov S.V. Intensity of geomorphologic environments of central part of the Andes mountain system // Geomorphology, 2015. №2, pp. 77-88.
- Likhacheva E.A., Shvarev S.V., Anikina N.V. Geomorphologic estimation of the New Moscow territorial resources // Geomorphology, 2015. №1, pp. 77-88.
- Lebedeva E.V.,Shvaryov S.V., Gotvansky V.I. Naturally determined intensity of geomorphologic processes on the Russian Far East // Geomorphology, 2014. №4, pp. 48-59.
- A. A. Nikonov, S. V. Shvarev, L. A. Sim, M. V. Rodkin, Yu. S. Biske, A. V. MarininPaleoseismodeformations of hard rocks in the Karelian isthmus // Doklady Earth Sciences, August 2014, Volume 457, Issue 2, pp. 1008-1013.
- Ovsyuchenko A.N., Shvarev S.V., Marakhanov A.V., Rogozhin E.A., Novikov S.S., Lar'kov A.S., Khil'ko A.V., Kostenko K.A. Complex geological-geophysical study of active faults in the Sochi-Krasnaya Polyana region // Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth. 2013. Т. 49. № 6. С. 859-881.
- Shvarev S.V. Engineering-organized geomorphologic systems: modelling, monitoring and management // Geomorphologists. Iss. 2. Newgeneration / Ex.ed. Kladovshchikova M.E., Likhacheva E.A. – Moscow: Media-PRESS, 2013. Pp. 59-72.
- Rodkin M.V., NikonovА.А., Shvarev S.V., 2012. Seismic impact estimation from data on deformations and displacements in rock massifs. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 3 (3), 203–237. doi:10.5800/GT-2012-3-3 0072.
- Шварев С.В. Голоценовая активность разрывных структур юго-востока Западной Сибири и её проявление в рельефе и строении аллювиальных отложений // Геоморфология, 2009, №2, с.84-91
- Rogozhin E.A., Ovsyuchenko A.N., Shvarev S.V., Lutikov A.I., Novikov S.S. Estimation of the seismic hazard level of the Greater Sochi region concerning construction of the Olympic sites // Georisk, 2008, №4, pp. 6-12.
- Ovsyuchenko A.N., Shvarev S.V.,Marakhanov A.V., Active faults and paleoseismogeology of the Irkutskiy circus // Geophysical explorations. 2007, № 7, pp. 74-90.
- A.A. Nikonov and S.V. Shvarev New data on seismotectonics and seismicity of Gornyi Altai // Doklady Earth Sciences/ Vol.409, N5/ June-July, 2006, p.697-700
- Ovsyuchenko A.N., Shvarev S.V. Detailed morphotectonic analysis and estimation of the contemporary activity of fault structures of marginal part of the North-Western Caucasus (Markotkhskiy range) – Geomorphology, 2005, № 2, pp. 58-72.
- Shvarev S.V.Postglacial tectonic movements and formation of the Imandra lake terraces (the Kola peninsula) – Geomorphology, 2003, № 4, pp. 97-105.
- Shvarev S.V. Estimation and mapping of the potential exodynamic hazard of territory when planning line structures (in case of main gas pipeline in the Western Siberia) – Geography and natural resources, 2003, № 3, pp. 151-155.
- Shvarev S.V. Estimation of potential ravine hazard using rank correlation analysis // Geography and natural resources, 1999, № 1, pp. 123-127.
- Shvarev S.V. Reconstruction of the Sartanksy glaciation of the Putorana plateau (based on the space survey data) // Geomorphology, 1997, № 1, pp. 107-112.
- Shvarev S.V.Gulleys on the Barnaul – Bijsk track // Railway track and facilities, 1994, № 1, pp. 14-16.
- Shvarev S.V. Development of cryogenic and karst processes on the Ust-Kut – Kirensk – Nepa track // Transport construction, 1993, № 4, pp. 7-10.
- Shvarev S.V. Engineering aspects of the morphostructural neotectonics analysis of the Middle Siberia south // Geography and natural resources, 1992, № 2, pp. 161-164.
- Shvarev S.V. Development of the Tuyuksu glacial basin (ZailijskiyAlatau) in the historical time // Vestn. Mos. Univ. Ser. Geogr., 1987 (dep).