Kraev Gleb

Senior researcher
kraev [at]
Glaciology Department

Research interests

Adaptation to permafrost degradation, climate change and human impacts on Arctic ecosystems, carbon footprint reduction, gas in permafrost, geological sources of methane and other greenhouse gases in carbon cycle

Study areas


Selected publications

  1. Sayedi S.S., Abbott B.W., Thornton B.F., Frederick J.M., Vonk J.E., Overduin P., Schädel C., Schuur E.A.G., Bourbonnais A., Demidov N., Gavrilov A., He S., Hugelius G., Jakobsson M., Jones M.C., Joung D.J., Kraev G., Macdonald R.W., McGuire A.D., Mu C., O’Regan M., Schreiner K.M., Stranne C., Pizhankova E., Vasiliev A., Westermann S., Zarnetske J.P., Zhang T., Ghandehari M., Baeumler S., Brown B.C., Frei R.J. Subsea permafrost carbon stocks and climate change sensitivity estimated by expert assessment // Environmental Research Letters 15 (12). 2020. Article 124075.
  2. Maslakov A.A., Nyland K.E., Komova N.N., Yurov F.D., Yoshikawa K., Kraev G.N. Community Ice Cellars In Eastern Chukotka: Climatic And Anthropogenic Influences On Structural Stability // Geography, Environment, Sustainability. No. 2. 2020.
  3. Karelin D., Goryachkin S., Zazovskaya E., Shishkov V., Pochikalov A., Dolgikh A., Sirin A., Suvorov G., Badmaev N., Badmaeva N., Tsybenov Y., Kulikov A., Danilov P., Savinov G., Desyatkin A., Desyatkin R., Kraev G. Greenhouse gas emission from the cold soils of Eurasia in natural settings and under human impact: Controls on spatial variability // Geoderma Regional 22, 2020. Article e00290.
  4. Tregubov O., Kraev G., Maslakov A. Hazards of activation of cryogenic processes in the Arctic community: A geopenetrating radar study in Lorino, Chukotka, Russia // Geosciences 10(2), 2020. Article 57.
  5. Abramov A., Davydov S., Ivashchenko A., Karelin D., Kholodov A., Kraev G., Lupachev A., Maslakov A., Ostroumov V., Rivkina E., Shmelev D., Sorokovikov V., Tregubov O., Veremeeva A., Zamolodchikov D., Zimov S. Two decades of active layer thickness monitoring in northeastern Asia // Polar Geography, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2019.1648581
  6. Maslakov A., Shabanova N., Zamolodchikov D., Volobuev V., Kraev G. Permafrost degradation within Eastern Chukotka CALM sites in the 21st century based on CMIP5 climate models // Geosciences 2019. 9(5). Article 232.
  7. Tanski G., Bergstedt H., Bevington A., Bonnaventure P., Bouchard F., Coch C., Dumais S., Evgrafova A., Frauenfeld O.W., Frederick J., Frolov D., Harder S., Hartmeyer I., Heslop J., Hogstrom E., Johansson M., Kraev G., Fritz M., Kuznetsova E., Lenz J., Lupachev A., Magnin F., Martens J., Maslakov A., Morgenstern A., Nieuwendam A., Radoslavljevic B., Ramage J., Schneider A., Stanilovskaya J., Strauss J., Trochim E., Oliva M., Vecellio D.J., Weber S., Lantuit H. The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) is getting older: The past, present, and future of our evolving community // Polar Record 2019. No. 1-4. DOI: 10.1017/S0032247418000645
  8. Kraev G., Rivkina E., Vishniverskaya T., Belonosov A., van Huissteden J., Kholodov A., Smirnov A., Kudryavtsev A., Teshebaeva K., Zamolodchikov D. Methane in gas shows from boreholes in epigenetic permafrost of Siberian Arctic // Geosciences 9(2), 2019, Article 67.
  9. Maslakov A.A., Ruzanov V.T., Fedorov-Davydov D.G., Kraev G.N., Davydov S.P., Zamolodchikov D.G., Tregubov O.D., Shiklomanov N.I., Streletskiy D.A. Seasonal thawing of soils in the Beringia region in changing climatic conditions // Arctic Environmental Research 17(4). 2017. P. 283-294. (in Russian)
  10. Karelin D.V., Goryachkin S.V., Zamolodchikov D.G., Dolgikh A.V., Zazovskaya E.P., Shishkov V.A., Kraev G.N. Human footprints on greenhouse gas fluxes in cryogenic ecosystems // Doklady Earth Sciences 477/2. 2017. P. 1467-1469.
  11. Kraev G.N., Rivkina E.M. Accumulation of methane in permafrost-affected soils of cryolithozone // Arctic Environmental Research 17(3). 2017. P. 173-184. (in Russian)
  12. Kraev G., Schulze E.-D., Yurova A., Kholodov A., Chuvilin E., Rivkina E. Cryogenic Displacement and Accumulation of Biogenic Methane in Frozen Soils // Atmosphere 8(6). 2017. Article 105.
  13. Bukvareva E., ZamolodchikovD., Kraev G., Grunewald K., Narykov A. Supplied, demanded and consumed ecosystem services: Prospects for national assessment in Russia // Ecological Indicators 78. 2017. P. 351-360.
  14. Shmelev D., Veremeeva A., Kraev G., Kholodov A., Spencer R.G.M., Walker W.S., Rivkina E. Estimation and Sensitivity of Carbon Storage in Permafrost of North-Eastern Yakutia // Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 28(2). 2017. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1933
  15. Zamolodchikov D.G., Kraev G.N. The effects of climate change on forests of Russia: observations and projections (Vliyanie izmenenii klimata na lesa Rossii: zafiksirovannye vozdeistviya I prognoznye otsenki) // Ustoichivoe lesopol’zovanie. 2016. No. 4 (48) . P. 23-31. (in Russian)
  16. Karelin D.V., Goriachkin S.V., Zamolodchikov D.G., Dolgikh A.V., Zazovskaya E.P., Shishkov V.A., Pochikalov A.V., Sirin A.A., Suvorov G.G., Kraev G.N. The influence of local anthropogenic factors on soil emission of biogenic greenhouse gases in cryogenic ecosystems // Zhurnal obshchei biologii 77(3). 2016. P. 167-181. (in Russian)
  17. Ecosystem Services of Russia: Prototype National Report. Vol. 1. Terrestrial Ecosystems services / E.N. Bukvareva, D.G. Zamolodchikov (eds). – Moscow, BCC Press, 2018. – 113 p.
  18. Permafrost in Our Time: An archive of data on permafrost, collected by local inhabitants (Merzlota v nashe vremya: Arkhiv svedenii o merzlote, sobrannyi mestnymi zhitelyami). (Yoshikawa K., ed.). Yakutsk: SVFU, 2017. (in Russian)
  19. Ecosystem Services of Russia: Prototype of the National Report. Vol. 1. Services of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Summary for decision-makers / E.N. Bukvareva, D.G. Zamolodchikov (eds). – Moscow, Biodiversity Conservation Center Publishers, 2016. – 9 p.