Svetlitskaya Tatiana

Research Associate
tsvetlitskaya [at]

Research interests

The main  line of research  is creation of  chronology of paleogeographic events on the paleomagnetic base in different environments such as Black sea marine basin, steppe and forest-steppe of Russian Plain.

Due to these investigations the  prognostics scenarios  of degradation of ecologically vulnerabilly landscapes( landscapes with very strong anthropogenic impacts, such as forest-steppe of Kurskaya oblast and forest zone of European part of Russia) were developed.

 She also took part in the  Project RFFI 0806 6500061-1A- “The Influence of   natural and climatic extreme transformation  on the cultural adaptation in Paleolithic time in Caspian basin”.

She published her scientific researches in number of RFFI reports, in articles in scientific  magazines etc.

 Selected Publications

  1. Svetlitskaya T.V. The main stadies of environmental evolution in the Northern Black sea coastal region. In book: Pliocene: time of change., AASP, Dallas, USA, 1999.
  2. Svetlitskaya T.V. Chronology of Khvalynean sea-level  oscillations: new data and approach. International project 521  UNESCO, Bucuresti,  2008.
  3. Svetlitskaya T.V. Experience of the introducing of the prognostic scenarios in modeling of ecologicaly safety of the region. In: Problems of ecologically safety of the region, M.,1997.
  4. Svetlitskaya T.V Analyse of the biological resourses of the forest ecosystems. The Report of the UICN of the key types of the forest of the European part of Russia, M.,1996.
  5.  Svetlitskaya T.V .Eastern part of Russian plain. The changes of climate and landscapes during last 65 mln years, GEOS, 1999.
  6. Svetlitskaya T.V . Ecological decisions: discussions, preparing , adopting. In: Alfa-disain Sovaminko, 1997.
  7. Svetlitskaya T.V.  Buffer zones of the Istra  river region.  In: Alfa-disain Sovaminko, 1997.
  8. Svetlitskaya T.V . The prognosis of the ecological scenarios of the Russion plain geosystem due to climate warming. In : Geological analys. Principles, experiences of introducing.,M., 1995.
  9. Svetlitskaya T.V. Climate of the nonglacier Earth (the reconstruction of the Eocene optimum), In: Izv.RAN, ser.geographical, N1, 1995.