2006 – Doctor of Science (Geography), Moscow State University, Geographical Faculty
1991 - PhD, geomorphology and evolutionary geography, Moscow State University, Geographical Faculty
1988 – Graduated as certified specialist, geomorphology, Dept. of Geomorphology of the Geographical Faculty, MSU, and applied mathematics, Special Subdivision of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty, MSU.
Paleogeography of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene; paleohydrology and fluvial geomorphology; geoarcheology.
European Russia and Siberia
Bureau member of the Commission on Quaternary Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Member of several Working Groups of the INQUA Commission on Terrestrial Processes, Deposits, and History (TERPRO)
Scientific secretary of the Russian Association of Geomorphologists
Executive Committee member of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG)
Baryshnikov G., Agatova A., Carling P., Herget J., Panin A., Adamiec G., Nepop R. Russian Altai in the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene: Geomorphological catastrophes and landscape rebound. Fieldtrip Guide. Barnaul: ASU Publ., 2015. 137 p.
Panin A.V. Metody paleogeograficheskikh issledovaniy: chetvertichnaya geokhronologiya (Methods of palaeogeographical research: Quaternary geochronology). Moscow: Geogr. Facultet MSU (Publ.), 2014. 116 p. (in Russ.).
Geoarchaeological issues of the Upper Dnieper – Western Dvina river region (Western Russia): fieldtrip guide. Ed. by A. Panin, V. Murasheva, A. Mazurkevich. Moscow-Smolensk: Universum (Publ.), 2012. 105 p.
Eremenko E.A., Panin A.V. Lozhbinnyi mezorel’ef Vostochno-Evropeiskoi ravniny (Mesorelief of hollows on the East European Plain). Moscow: MIROS (Publ.), 2010. 192 p. (in Russ.).
Chalov R.S., Zavadski A.S., Panin A.V. Rechnye izluchiny (River bends). Moscow: Geogr. Facultet MSU (Publ.), 2004. 370 p. (in Russ.).
Chalov R.S., Alabyan A.M., Ivanov V.V., Lodina R.V., Panin A.V. Morfodinamika rusel ravninnykh rek (Morphodynamics of the rivers in the plains). Moscow: GEOS (Publ.), 1998. 287 p. (in Russ.).
Peer-reviewed papers and chapters
Panin A., Matlakhova E. Fluvial chronology in the East European Plain over the last 20 ka and its palaeohydrological implications // Catena, 2015, Vol. 130, pp. 46-61.
Starkel L., Michczyńska D.J., Gębica P., Kiss T., Panin A., Perşoiu I. Climatic fluctuations reflected in the evolution of fluvial systems of Central-Eastern Europe (60–80 ka cal BP) // Quaternary International, 2015, Vol. 388, pp. 97-118.
Panin A., Adamiec G., Filippov V. Fluvial response to proglacial effects and climate in the upper Dnieper valley (Western Russia) during the Late Weichselian and the Holocene // Quaternaire, 2015, 26(1), pp. 27-48.
Panin A.V., Adamiec G., Arslanov K.A., Bronnikova M.A., Filippov V.V., Sheremetskaya E.D., Zaretskaya N.E., Zazovskaya E.P. Absolute chronology of fluvial events in the Upper Dnieper river system and its palaeogeographic implications // Geochronometria, 2014, 41(3), pp. 278-293.
Bronnikova M., Panin A., Uspenskaya O., Fuzeina Y., Turova I. Late Pleistocene–Holocene environmental changes in ultra-continental subarid permafrost-affected landscapes of the Terekhol' Basin, South Siberia // Catena, 2014, Vol. 112, pp. 99–111.
Panin, A.V., Bronnikova, M.A. Human dimensions of palaeoenvironmental change: geomorphic processes and geoarchaeology // Quaternary International, 2014, Vol. 324, pp. 1-5.
Kislov, A.V., Panin, A.V., Toropov, P. Current status and palaeostages of the Caspian Sea as a potential evaluation tool for climate model simulations // Quaternary International, 2014, Vol. 345, pp. 48-55.
Kislov A. V., Panin A.V., Toropov P. A. Present-day variations and paleodynamics of the Caspian Sea level as a standard for climate modeling data verification // Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 2014, Vol. 39(5), pp. 328-334. DOI: 10.3103/S1068373914050069
Syrovatko A.S., Zaretskaya N.E., Troshina A.A., Panin A.V. Radiocarbon chronology of the Schurovo burial mound cremation complex (Viking Times, Middle Oka River, Russia) // Radiocarbon, 2012, Vol. 54, Issue 3–4, pp. 771-781.
Sheremetskaya E.D., Borisova O.K., and Panin A.V. The dynamics of the post-glacial leveling of the relief of interfluves in the marginal zone of the Moscow glaciation (the example of the Protva R. drainage basin) // Geomorfologiya (Geomorphology RAS), 2012, No. 1, pp. 92–106 (in Russ.).
Sidorchuk A. Yu., Panin A. V., and Borisova O. K. River Runoff Decrease in North Eurasian Plains during the Holocene Optimum // Water Resources, 2012, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 69–81.
Panin A.V., Bronnikova M. A., Uspenskaya O. N., Arzhantseva I. A., Konstantinov E. A., Koshurnikov A. V., Selezneva E. V., Fuzeina Yu. N., and Sheremetskay E. D. Evolution of Tere-Khol Lake and the Holocene Dynamics of the Environment in the Southeastern Part of the Sayan-Tuva Highland // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2012, Vol. 446, Part 2, pp. 1204–1210.
Panin A., Fuzeina Yu., Karevskaya I., Sheremetskaya E. Mid-Holocene gullying indicating extreme hydroclimatic events in the centre of the Russian Plain // Geographia Polonica, 2011, 84, Special Issue Part 1, pp. 95–115.